Every 15 Minutes
user warning: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MariaDB server version for the right syntax to use near 'offset, tz.offset_dst AS offset_dst, tz.dst_region, tz.is_dst, e.event_start ...' at line 1
query: SELECT DISTINCT n.nid, n.uid, n.title, n.type, e.event_start, e.event_start AS event_start_orig, e.event_end, e.event_end AS event_end_orig, e.timezone, e.has_time, e.has_end_date, tz.offset AS offset, tz.offset_dst AS offset_dst, tz.dst_region, tz.is_dst, e.event_start - INTERVAL IF(tz.is_dst, tz.offset_dst, tz.offset) HOUR_SECOND AS event_start_utc, e.event_end - INTERVAL IF(tz.is_dst, tz.offset_dst, tz.offset) HOUR_SECOND AS event_end_utc, e.event_start - INTERVAL IF(tz.is_dst, tz.offset_dst, tz.offset) HOUR_SECOND + INTERVAL 0 SECOND AS event_start_user, e.event_end - INTERVAL IF(tz.is_dst, tz.offset_dst, tz.offset) HOUR_SECOND + INTERVAL 0 SECOND AS event_end_user, e.event_start - INTERVAL IF(tz.is_dst, tz.offset_dst, tz.offset) HOUR_SECOND + INTERVAL -25200 SECOND AS event_start_site, e.event_end - INTERVAL IF(tz.is_dst, tz.offset_dst, tz.offset) HOUR_SECOND + INTERVAL -25200 SECOND AS event_end_site, tz.name as timezone_name FROM node n INNER JOIN event e ON n.nid = e.nid INNER JOIN event_timezones tz ON tz.timezone = e.timezone INNER JOIN node_access na ON na.nid = n.nid WHERE (na.grant_view >= 1 AND ((na.gid = 0 AND na.realm = 'all') OR (na.gid = 1 AND na.realm = 'taxonomy_access_user'))) AND ( n.status = 1 AND ((e.event_start >= '2024-08-31 00:00:00' AND e.event_start <= '2024-10-01 23:59:59') OR (e.event_end >= '2024-08-31 00:00:00' AND e.event_end <= '2024-10-01 23:59:59') OR (e.event_start <= '2024-08-31 00:00:00' AND e.event_end >= '2024-10-01 23:59:59')) )GROUP BY n.nid HAVING (event_start >= '2024-09-01 00:00:00' AND event_start <= '2024-09-30 23:59:59') OR (event_end >= '2024-09-01 00:00:00' AND event_end <= '2024-09-30 23:59:59') OR (event_start <= '2024-09-01 00:00:00' AND event_end >= '2024-09-30 23:59:59') ORDER BY event_start ASC in /home/pju0wkl9duvg/public_html/elrancho/modules/event/event_database.mysqli.inc on line 105.
The Every 15 Minutes program is a first-generation model of school-based alcohol prevention that incorporates simulated alcohol-related consequences with various community elements. School-based alcohol prevention programs are essential in helping to reduce and eliminate alcohol use among adolescents. Evaluative mechanisms to assess these programs are also vital to developing effective educational strategies that address the circumstances that place adolescents at risk for underage drinking and driving under the influence. Elemental to effective school-based alcohol prevention programs are integrated community wide initiatives to raise awareness of the consequences of underage alcohol use and to deter access through a combination of countermeasures including legal, enforcement, medical, media, and political entities.
Every 15 Minutes program is a model of both school- and community-based alcohol prevention that incorporates simulated alcohol-related consequences with community elements that include students, parents, educators, school administrators, health systems, and law enforcement personnel.
For Additional Information on El Rancho Unified School District’s Every 15 Minutes program contact: Jeff Fitchett at jfitchett@erusd.k12.ca.us .
Statistics |
In 2005, about 10.8 million persons aged 12-20 (28.2% of this age group) reported drinking alcohol in the past month. Nearly 7.2 million (18.8%) were binge drinkers, and 2.3 million (6.0%) were heavy drinkers.
Motor vehicle crashes remain the number one cause of death among youth aged 15-20. There were 7,460 youth motor vehicle deaths in 2005. (This includes both drivers and passengers.)
For more information see http://www.madd.org/ or http://www.sadd.org/.